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Express Yourself


Reading fluency is the ability to recognize words quickly, accurately, and automatically. Students are able to read with expression when they are fluent readers. When a child can read with expression it allows them to better understand the story they are reading. Reading with expression allows students to see that reading is fun and exciting. In this lesson students will read and re-read sections of Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus. Students will also participate in an expression matching game. This lesson will help children practice reading with expression, this creating a better understanding of the text they are reading.



  • The book Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus by Barbara Park (copy for each child)

  • Chart paper

  • Pictures of Expressions

    • (Pictures above)

  • Expression Checklists

  • Pencils, Notebook Paper



1. Teaching will begin by asking students questions: Who likes someone to read to them? Students will respond, “I do! My parents read to me every night!” “Who likes it when people read with different voices and silly faces?”  Student will respond “Oh, that is my favorite!” “Who knows what expression is?” Students will respond, “I don’t know!” Teacher will then explain, expression is when you change your voice loud or soft, facial and body moves when things happen throughout the story. Teacher will explain how expression is important in reading because it helps us engage in the story and helps our reading comprehension.


2. After explaining what expression is, teacher will read to a few sentences from the book “Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus.”

Say: “Is everybody ready to be a good listener? Good, Let’s Read!”

Book talk: Has anyone been nervous before they came to school, or on the way to school? Well Junie B. Jones was very nervous before school! And she was not excited to get on the stupid, smelly bus! Let’s read and find out if she gets on the bus or not! [The teacher will read a few pages with no emotion or expression and in a monotone voice.]

Say: “Does everybody like the book? Was it fun to listen?” [Teacher reads story again with expression and emotion, deep voice if expressing sad or a really loud and happy voice for excited.]

Say: “Did you enjoy listening to the story more the first time or the second? Why?” The teacher explains to the students that when you read a story with expression and emotions it makes reading more fun and enjoyable!!


3. Say: “Let’s review one more time what expression is!” Explain to the children that when someone is sad they may frown or have a sad face, like this picture (show a picture of a sad face). They may also talk slower or in a deep voice. However, when someone is happy or excited they might be smiling, laughing, jumping up and down (show a picture of someone excited). Their voice may be higher and sometimes even yelling! Now, I am going to show some pictures of expression. Teacher shows a face of someone smiling and explains how this could be shown when the reader is excited or happy. Next teacher shows picture of someone frowning. She will explain how we may make this face when we are sad or angry. We will practice this by choosing which face matches the readings. The teacher will read 5 sentences and the students will choose which face goes with each. Sad face sentences: I fell down on the playground! I lost my favorite pencil! Smiling face sentences: I love my pet dog! I got $5 from the tooth fairy! My best friend is spending the night tonight! Mix these possible sentences and more if students seem to struggle with the exercise.


4. The teacher will distribute the books to the class. Say: “I want you to read the chapter 3 two times through. First, time read to yourself and then with a partner at your table.” As students read with their partner they will fill out an expression checklist. This will have a few sentences from the chapter. When the student gets to this sentence in the story their partner will check whether or not they read it with the proper expression. Before reading teacher will remind the students [If we come to a word we don’t know remember to decode and crosscheck. This means we sound out our word and if it doesn’t make since in the sentences we try again!] After the students have done this we will walk through this chapter and discussing what expression you should use on each page. I will also ask the students comprehension questions.


5. To assess their knowledge on expression I will collect their checklists. This will allow me to see where each student is excelling and what areas need more work. I will then call up students that need more help, and read with them one-on-one. I will also ask each child comprehension questions to make sure that they are understanding what they are reading.



Park, B., & Brunkus, D. (1992). Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus. New York: Random House.

Mary Haley Byrne, Express Yourself,


Jennifer Ivey, Express Yourself


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